Monday, August 3, 2009

(500) Days of Summer: Is no good movie safe from a "Chinese" family?

Warning: Contains specific references and possible plot spoilers.

First off, (500) Days of Summer is a buzz-worthy movie this season, and deservedly so. The film gives a realistic portrayal (through cool visual music-video esque devices) of recalling a relationship. (aka, your memories are all disjointed about some old dame, but then the shizz makes sense at the end.) Joseph Gordon-Levitt is gonna get mad love after this film, and indie-queen Zooey Deschanel does what she does best - Sing, wear vintage clothes, sport a bike helmet, and make you find it all endearing. Also, this film makes LA look good, which is always a plus.

However, I can't let this film off the hook with its Asian stereotype references. Hey, I like racial stereotypes like the next person, but when a movie only picks on Asians, I get a little defensive. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but Latinos, African-Americans, and basically anyone that isn't Asian is spared in this film racial humor wise.

Overall, the movie is somewhat stereotype free (that's cool), except when...
  • IKEA scene - Tom specifically states that a "Chinese family" is staring at them when they're on the bed. Why he gotta point that out? When you cut to the family, it would be obvious to anyone that it is a "Chinese family" being played by a Japanese mom, probably a Laotian dad, a Vietnamese kid, a Cambodian kid, and a Burmese kid. C'mon, so obvious. Didn't really need to state that in the dialogue. Showing a shocked family without that specific dialogue is perfectly fine and still funny.
  • Watching porno scene - Naturally, if you're gonna rent porn, you're gonna rent "Sweet and Shower." (See, sweet and sour is a Chinese food thing, so Sweet and Shower is porno Asian people humor funny.) Perfect opportunity to stereotype another race, but the filmmakers went Asian on this one, again. (Could've done "Smoke My Hookah" to throw a racial stereotype bone at the Persian communitiy).
  • Korean liquor owner scene - Fine, I'm being racial here assuming that the guy was Korean (could have been Vietnamese), and true, Asian guys do run a lot of liquor stores in LA. And yes, the scene was pretty straight forward. Tom was just buying some stuff. However, the Asian dude kind of overracted, and I just found that poor.
Overall, these moments don't distract you too much from your entire viewing experience, and you can't please everyone with racial humor, but yo, mix it up a little bit. Throw the Asians a bone here. Sun Yue just got cut from the Lakers and Yao Ming is out for the next year.

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